CIRCLE OF FRIENDS | Exodus 17:11-13

As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning. When Moses’ hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up—one on one side, one on the other—so that his hands remained steady till sunset. So Joshua overcame the Amalekite army with the sword.

– Exodus 17:11-13 (NIV)

Many of us think very little of the people we surround ourselves with. This story reminds us that sometimes we need others to sustain our strength and to maintain focus on what truly matters. This story reminds me of the day Jesus fell under the weight of His cross and Simon of Cyrene was pulled from the crowd to carry the beam the rest of the way. All of us will have moments where this life overwhelms us. All of us will need help. Even Jesus’ body broke down and gave out.

As a young man I was prouder and more independent than I care to admit. But having left home as a teenager, one becomes quite stubborn and self-reliant. God is still working on me in this capacity. However, several years ago I became very ill. I had all the symptoms of someone who was in septic shock. I was lying in an ICU bed and the doctors had done all they knew how to do; they told my wife the only thing to do was wait. I am convinced they were waiting on me to die. That changes a person. During my recovery, I could not clean myself after using the bathroom. That greatly humbled a proud man.

I have done many things wrong in this life, but one thing I got right, I have surrounded myself with people far better than I am. I tell everyone that my wife is the better part of us. I aspire to be like her in so many ways. During this time, she did for me what Aaron and Hur did for Moses. She embodied what it meant to love me “in sickness and in health.” I had two friends that sat with my wife through the night when no one knew if I was going to live or die. On many occasions these two men and others have done for me what I could not do for myself.

All of that to say, surround yourself with people who are dedicated to your success. Surround yourself with people that are givers and not takers. Surround yourself with people who want more for you. Surround yourself with those who will sit with you in your darkest days without complaining, but rather find joy in helping you move forward. Surround yourself with people that see success in helping you be obedient to God.

Surrounding yourself with good people is critical for a life of joy and purpose. All successful people are surrounded by other great people. They learn how to carry each other to places they could not get to on their own.

Who are you surrounding yourself with today? Will they support you when you are weak? If not, move on. Find a new circle of friends.

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