The Lord said to Moses, “Tell the Israelites to bring me an offering. You are to receive the offering for me from everyone whose heart prompts them to give.

‭‭ – Exodus‬ ‭25:1-2‬ ‭(NIV‬)

God had asked Moses to begin gathering supplies from among the people to build a tabernacle. The Tabernacle would be a place of worship for the people of God; it is the place that would house the presence of God. It is no mistake that the construction process began as an act of worship—engaging the heart and will of the people.

When we come before God, we should do so with a willing heart. When we give to God, we should do so as a response to who He is—He is the maker of Heaven and Earth.

I have heard many people lament that their church services are cold and boring: that they no longer get anything from the services; that they are not getting fed. A worship service is for giving not receiving; it is for sacrifice and not consumption; it is for God, not you. When a heart is set on what it will receive, it finds no pleasure in giving. When the will is set on taking it only seeks to please itself.

God is unique in all of creation. He has and always will be. He is the only uncreated thing. He is the one who brought all that we know into existence. He has created us to be in relationship with Him. We are created for worship.

God is not egotistical. He is God. He is unique. He is one of a kind. He has a value that no one and no other thing has. He expects that we would honor that value. That we would worship Him.

Genuine worship is a choice. It flows from the desire of the heart and manifests in action. It is set into motion by the intention of the will. If people gather and their time is cold and boring, then there was no intention to worship.

How will you prepare for this coming Sunday? Are you debating on attending, or have you already set the intention to go? How have you intentioned yourself to show up—to give or to receive? How will you have prepared yourself to be in the presence of God? Have you talked with Him throughout the week? What will you bring willingly as a gift? What will you do as an act of worship? Will you come excited to give to God or expecting something to satisfy you?

How is your heart?

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