You, however, must teach what is appropriate to sound doctrine.

‭‭ – Titus‬ ‭2:1‬ ‭(NIV‬‬)

Paul’s instruction to Titus was to teach with sound doctrine so that he could raise up leaders who had a mature understanding of knowledge about God. As I shared in a post yesterday, a study from February 2021 called American Worldview Inventory 2021, reveals that 58% of self-identified Christians do not believe the Holy Spirit is real and 48% do not believe the Bible is accurate and reliable. It will be difficult to find pastors and teachers from this field of candidates that are able to teach with sound doctrine.

I dare say that many churches look to fill the role of the pastor to be that of an employee and not a spiritual leader. A primary responsibility of any pastor is to equip the body for the work of ministry. This is why sound teaching is so important. A congregation should desire a preacher that will set their hearts ablaze with holy fire in the proclamation of God’s Word. They should desire conviction more than comfort and holiness more than happiness.

The office of preacher, teacher, and elder are not to be taken lightly. The Bible says that those who teach the Word of God will be judged more harshly. To enter into this position simply as a means of vocation is a dangerous course of action. You are accountable to God for how you lead the people, either closer to Him, or further away from Him.

Pray for your pastor today, that they will be obedient to the call to teach with sound doctrine. That they will be influenced by the Holy Scriptures and not by the World or culture.

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