Seek Wisdom Not Power

Wisdom makes one wise person more powerful than ten rulers in a city.

~ Ecclesiastes 7:19 (NIV)

Have you ever worked in a job where the supervisor was clueless? They had the authority given by the corporation to make decisions, but everyone knew they had no idea how to run the business. They had the power to make decisions that affected people’s lives, yet they did not understand people. These people make life a living hell for everyone around them.

In the background you have the one person that everyone know they can count on. They really know their stuff. They are the real leader. The one with influence. That person is the one who has the real influence. That is the person who holds the real power.

Position brings with it a lot of perks, but also a great deal of responsibility. To the person who lacks wisdom and misunderstands leadership, all they see is the perks.

I would suggest that it is better to desire wisdom than to desire an elevated position and better to seek knowledge than to pursue power. You will be better and more influential in the long run.

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