THOSE WHO TEACH | Ephesians 4:11-13

So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

– ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭4:11-13‬ ‭(NIV)

Prophets, evangelists, preachers, and teachers are gifted in a unique way, but they are not considered better than any other member of the family of God. Paul tells us that each part of the body is necessary for the body to function the way God intended (1 Corinthians 12:12-27; Romans 12:3-8). However, many clamor to these positions because others have found fame, popularity, and even wealth. This is why James warns that many should not become teachers (James 3:1). Those who are to instruct will be judged more harshly; judged because they will influence the greater body with their words and actions. The focus of their gift is to bring instruction and clarity that leads to Christ and unity in the church.

We see in the book of acts that the early Church “devoted themselves to the Apostles’ teaching.” These were the men who were closest to Jesus and the new believers instinctively drew near to them for instruction. Paul tells us that God has equipped others to fill that role for the continuation of the church and the gospel message.

I want to make two points:

  1. Prophets, evangelists, preachers, and teachers have a great responsibility to lead people towards God and not away from God. They should be bold and uncompromising in the truth (don’t forget that theirs’ is a harsher judgment for the gift they have been given). To water down the truth is to lead the people astray.
  2. The people of God should hunger for solid biblical teaching. The Bible warns against people who only will want to hear messages that tickle their ears (2 Timothy 4:3) and not convict their hearts. We as the body of Christ should, just like the early church, run to the people who teach God’s word so that we can overcome our ignorance. We must be careful to discriminate against those who do not teach sound doctrine and move towards those that do.

Let me end with two questions:

  1. If you are gifted to be a prophet, evangelist, preacher or teacher, are you humbled and reverently fearful under the weight of your calling?
  2. If you are among the rest of the family of God, do you run to Godly teaching and preaching, hoping to find illumination and conviction for the sin in your life, or do you casually, when convenient, show up to hear something that makes you feel good?
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