I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people,…

– ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭1:18‬ ‭(NIV‬)

Some mistakenly believe, because the word “predestined” is used in the preceding verses, that Paul is teaching that God has chosen some for salvation and not others—that we do not choose to follow God of our own volition. Some believe that God pre-selected to call some and reject others. A doctrinal position I disagree with.

All of us are in spiritual darkness because of our sin. Therefore, God, through the Holy Spirit awakens us to our sinfulness and calls us out of that spiritual darkness. He invites us into a relationship in much the same way that Jesus invited the first Disciples when He said, “follow me.”

Paul dedicated himself to the call of preaching because it is through the proclamation of truth that God makes known the plan of redemption. God gave us three powerful vessels to lead us back to Him: (1) The Holy Spirit, (2) The Word of God—the Bible, (3) The Church. Through these three vessels God works to make known the person of Jesus Christ, the message of redemption, and God’s invitation to believe and repent—to turn from the world and follow Him.

Each of us have a choice. We can follow God or anything else. On the flip side that means, we can reject God, or we can reject a sinful world. God has given you a free will that you might choose Him.

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