THINK ON THE THINGS OF GOD | Philippians 4:8

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

– ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4:8‬ ‭(NIV)

What we feed our mind, matters. What goes in, eventually comes out.

One of the fastest ways to change your direction in life is to change your thinking. The best way to set the right course in life is to think on that which fits every category listed in the verse above—that is God.

Don’t be deceived into thinking Paul is referring to anything other than the things of God with these words. In the preceding verses, he was speaking of finding contentment in prayer, and the proceeding verses also deal with finding the peace of God; these verses are sandwiched in between. Paul is not suggesting that we can find peace, in God, by focusing our attention away from Him.

He is teaching us that through prayer, through focusing our mind, and disciplining our actions on the things of God, we can find a peace that cannot be found anywhere else.

Our journey begins with what we let in the door of our minds. Ideas have consequences and thoughts lead to action. What is influencing you today? Or, day after day?

Here are a few questions to consider:

  1. What are you watching on television? And, how much?
  2. What are you reading? How often? Does this include the Bible? How often?
  3. What kind of conversations are you having? With whom? What are you talking about?
  4. Are you praying? Regularly, or when you feel like it?
  5. What material are you consuming on social media, YouTube, or other internet sources?

Our mind is a powerful tool. It can benefit us or cripple us in our efforts to be who we are meant to be. It is in your control to focus your attention on things that matter. It is in your best interest to focus on things that are eternal.

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