Further, my brothers and sisters, rejoice in the Lord! It is no trouble for me to write the same things to you again, and it is a safeguard for you.

– ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭3:1‬ (‭NIV)

Here are two things I have learned about human nature:

  1. It is our tendency to forget.
  2. It is also our tendency to ignore that which is not urgent.‬

For these two reasons, we require repetition in order to build into memory and to establish importance.

Many pastors worry about repeating themselves from one week to the next or from one series to the next, but in reality, the people in the pew will have missed most of what was said and will need a refresher the next week, and the next, and the next. Paul was not embarrassed to repeat himself. In fact, he considered it necessary.

As we think about how to teach our faith and present a good witness to others, it will be the repetitions of our life that will ultimately be noticed and remembered. The things that we do and say over and over may seem plain and boring, but in the long term it will speak volumes.

Far too often in the Christian world we have decided that we have to say something new—that we need to change the message. In essence, to improve the message. The message of redemption cannot be improved upon nor can the Word of God. It doesn’t need improved, it needs repeated—over and over again. And, it needs lived out through a disciplined life.

God is not progressive, He is eternal. He doesn’t get better over time; He is perfect in every way, forever and always—He does not change. While the medium of communication will change from one generation to the next, God never will. Let us continue to repeat for this generation, and the next, the eternal and unchanging truth of the gospel message. Let us also, through demonstration of our deeds, reinforce the message of our words.

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