Moses and Aaron did just as the Lord commanded them. Moses was eighty years old and Aaron eighty-three when they spoke to Pharaoh.

– Exodus 7:6-7 (NIV)

At the age of 80 and 83, most Christians will have retired from their job and thereby assume their work in all areas of life is done. They will have earned the right to rest and do as they please. But what if God sees this season of life as a starting point for something new. What if you are called to do be more, to do more, before this life is over? What if God wants to use your experience and maturity to do and say things you would have been incapable of doing beforehand?

This is true for every stage of life. With each passing year we are being prepared for what comes next. God is preparing us to be used by Him to serve our fellow man. Our age will hopefully bring perspective, experience, and wisdom we did not previously possess. It is also possible that the person or people God intends to partner you with need a little more time to be ready as well.

No doubt you will feel some measure of trepidation when God asks you to act, but God’s timing is always perfect. Yesterday’s experience is preparation for today or possibly tomorrow’s assignment. There is no retirement until God takes you home. He knows best and He will never leave you nor forsake you.

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