But Moses said, “That would not be right. The sacrifices we offer the Lord our God would be detestable to the Egyptians. And if we offer sacrifices that are detestable in their eyes, will they not stone us?

– ‭‭Exodus‬ ‭8:26‬ ‭(NIV‬‬)

From cover to cover (Genesis to Revelation), the Bible speaks of the distinction between the people of God and those who follow after other gods and religions. Often, that distinction results in rejection and persecution—up to and including death.

Christians, whose only frame of reference is the U.S., do not understand that in most places, and most times in history, it has been dangerous to be a Christian and follow the Lord. I have a friend that I met at a writers conference a few years ago, who is now serving in an orphanage in Africa. Earlier this year they were on high alert because rebels were attacking villages in their area and had to be ready to evacuate on short notice. I dare say that most of us cannot appreciate that level of concern as it relates to our faith.

With growing criticism for the Christian faith in America, many of us fear greater measures of persecution. We already see attempts at removing all signs and references to God in our schools and government; we see people losing their jobs and businesses for holding to Christian values; and we see censorship of thought taking place on social media around hot topic cultural issues where the Christian viewpoint is not wanted.

All of that to say, to follow Christ invites enmity from the world. We have been sheltered in America from the level of persecution our brothers and sisters around the world have experiences, but that may soon change. Let me leave you with two questions:

1. Will you respond with faith or fear when rejection and persecution come knocking at the door?

2. Is it possible that you have not experienced any form of rejection, or persecution, because you keep your faith hidden?

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