You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet

They said to Moses, “Was it because there were no graves in Egypt that you brought us to the desert to die? What have you done to us by bringing us out of Egypt? Didn’t we say to you in Egypt, ‘Leave us alone; let us serve the Egyptians’? It would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the desert!”

‭‭~ Exodus‬ ‭14:11-12‬ (‭NIV)‬

Many times in our lives it is difficult to comprehend the the plans of God. Sadly, for many of us, we judge God as being good only when we can understand Him, control Him, or see the destination. We withhold our praise until such time as we are satisfied with our circumstances. Until then, we are going to complain and blame God until He makes it right.

The Israelites had prayed for relief. They had cried out for deliverance from their captors. God was in the midst of answering that prayer, but because they could not see all that God was doing, they lacked the necessary faith to trust God for their outcome.

God had already caused a series of plagues to sweep across the land. A series of natural phenomena, that I must say, paled in comparison to what He was about to do at the Red Sea.

Often times we miss or we ignore what God has already done. If we would pause more often and recount what God has done and what He has brought us through, we might be more inclined to trust Him with where we are going.

A praying man or woman moves the heart of God and shakes the foundations of hell. There is no stronghold that can resist the hand of God and no enemy that provokes fear in the heart of God. He is creator, sustainer, and master of the natural order. When you pray and ask God to intervene in your circumstances, it may seem scary when things start to change because you cannot see how it will all end. But, if you look back on where you have come from, you can be reminded that He can be trusted. At which point you can buckle up, hold on tight, and know that nothing is impossible for Him who put everything in motion.

There is a quote in the movie Secretariat on the morning of the horse competing for the coveted Triple Crown, “You about to see something you ain’t never seen before.” I don’t know whether the quote is real or added as artistic liberty, but it encompasses the heart a praying man or woman can have towards the creator of the universe. Nothing is impossible with God!

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